Pine Grove P.S.

Pine Grove P.S.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

From the Pine Grove Learning Commons...

Library Orientation for Pine Grove Students
All Pine Grove Students are given the opportunity to visit our school library.  Please ensure that you ask your child about the books they are choosing for their classroom reading program or for their enjoyment.  Orientation to the library system and the way libraries work is an important skill for students at all levels. 

All kindergarten and grade one to three students are encouraged to exchange or renew their borrowed books weekly and grades four to eight are encouraged to exchange or renew their books bi-weekly.  If you would like to view some of the selections in our school library please visit the following website .  During library orientation, students are encouraged to visit this virtual site from home to search for books, read online books and access a variety of databases.  

Online Databases Are Waiting for You to and Explore!
Wonderful news! Pine Grove students have access to online databases!  Students can access these amazing resources from home or school.  Links to the various databases are accessible through our school’s website.  Placing these links on our school website ensures that students can access information anytime, anywhere.  Students can find these resources by accessing our school’s library page through the following link: .  Please check your child’s agenda for the passwords to our school’s databases or contact Mrs. Meleca if you have any questions.   

Engaging Readers With eBooks
EBooks are electronic books that can be used on hand-held learning devices, personal computers, laptops, and even mobile phones. Similarly to traditional paper books, writing and illustration are key to a book’s success with a child but the difference between the two formats is that while the traditional option is linear – i.e., a story that follows from one page to the next – eBooks have depth; readers can jump between chapters and, if connected to wireless internet, can explore topics further on the internet. The ability to whizz around an eBook instantly makes it a more interactive experience, showing different dimensions to reading.  When children begin to use and interact with eBooks independently, the possibilities of learning in the digital age become apparent.

New technology has an ever increasing presence in the lives of 21st century students.  Our students are engaged in technology and enjoy learning using the “digital” format.  In order for students to be engaged in their learning, we attempt to ensure that our learning materials reflect students’ interests for learning.  We encourage the Pine Grove community to explore our set of eBooks for our students by following these instructions:
1.     Access our account by typing the following link into your browser:

2.     When asked for the username and password please use the following:                                        username: pgebooks
          password: pglibrary

We Are Looking for Library Volunteers
Are you interested in volunteering in our school library?  We are looking for some volunteers who can help us at Pine Grove by signing books in and out, shelving and preparing new books for circulation as the need arises.  Training will be provided and volunteers are a great help and addition to our school community!  Please contact Mrs. Meleca at (905) 850–0672 if you are interested in volunteering.